Friday, December 16, 2005

The Pool

We all have so many sorts of emotions that make up our own entire individualities. Oftentimes, these same emotions are the very same things either hinder or develop our personalities. Of course, it all depends on how we let them affect ourselves.

We might feel sad at times, feel pissed off, angry or even extremely hostile up to certain points that we get other people involved who shouldn't be involved in the first place. Tough luck for them. They get tangled in the web that's blinding the way we rationally see.

But if we could just be able to focus our energy, effort and time to a more positive way, then maybe perhaps this so-called emotional turbulance could somehow be put at bay. We could have a more harmonious place to live in now won't we?

But reality bites, the world is not going to give in 'cause we are all different individuals with different emotional behaviors, with conflicting beliefs and contrasting attitudes. So, instead of emphasizing the gaps and loopholes, why not try working on these differences. As an anonymous person said, "Success comes to those who work on their differences rather on their similarities." And how do we work on these differences? Just one word...Acceptance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well said. we should accept one's flaws.